We hereby announce the new project application support plan for the 2017 Laboratory Program for Korean Studies.
September 27, 2017
Kim, Sang Kon, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Education
Chon Kyoung Mok, Acting President of the Academy of Korean Studies
1. Program Information
–Program Objectives
◦ Strengthening the international competitiveness of Korean Studies by publishing internationally recognized pieces of research
–Support Details
(Budget Unit : KRW million)
Program Category: Global Korean Studies
Program Title: Laboratory Program for Korean Studies
Total Budget for 2017: 3,600
Budget for New Projects (No. of Projects): 325 (1)
Budget per Project: 300
Support Period: 5 years
Target of Support: Research Team (Distinguished scholars in Korean Studies as well as in other academic areas)
Project Commencement (Scheduled): December 2017
2. Restrictions on Applications and Participation
–Researchers may be given Ministry of Education research grants (including Korean Studies Promotion Program, NRF research grants, etc.) for up to three projects per person. However, he/she may serve as project director for only one project, and the personnel expenses cannot be duplicated.
–An ongoing research project, which is scheduled to be completed on December 31, 2017 or earlier, shall not be included in the number of the current projects stated in the foregoing paragraph.
※ For details, please refer to the application guidelines.
3. Application Methods and Documents to be Submitted
–Application Methods
◦ Application must be made on KSPS Project Management System website (http://ksps-pms.aks.ac.kr)
–Documents to be submitted
◦ One copy of research proposal, etc.
※ For details of the research proposal and other documents to be submitted, please refer to the application guidelines.
4. Application Period and Contact Information
Category: Global Korean Studies
Program Title: Laboratory Program for Korean Studies
Application Period: 2017. 10. 13. ~ 10. 26
Contact for Inquiries: Lee, Woo Jung, tel: 82-31-730-8244, global@aks.ac.kr