The Association for Korean Studies in Europe (AKSE) plans to award the Hendrik-Hamel-Prize for Korean Studies in Europe 2023 at the 31st AKSE conference in Copenhagen. The prize carries a € 2000 cash award. In 2023, the prize will be awarded for Korean Studies publications in any European language including English.
We are calling for nominations of scholarly monographs centring on Korea which have been published during the last five years (i.e. since 2017) and are apt to raise interest in the academic study of Korea beyond the confines of Korean Studies proper. Only original work is eligible. Edited volumes, dissertations, exhibition catalogues, translations, textbooks, poetry, fiction, travel books, memoirs or autobiographies are not eligible.
Nominated authors must be Korean Studies scholars affiliated with a European institution (excluding visiting scholars) or independent scholars based in Europe. They need not be AKSE members. Nominators must be AKSE members and have to hold (or be retired from) an academic position or be otherwise an established member of the academic community. Self-nominations are possible.
Nominations including a pdf of the original publication, an English language abstract of at least 200 words, and a completed nomination form must reach the AKSE president by December 31, 2022, to be considered for the 2023 award.
Please send all documents to both of the following e-mail addresses:; (Prof. Dr. Marion Eggert, current president of AKSE)