The department of Korean History at Seoul National University is
hiring three new tenure-track faculty.
1 – medieval Korea
2 – social or intellectual history or early modern Korea
3 – Korean history (foreigner track)
While I am not affiliated with the department of Korean History, I
will be happy to address any questions or concerns on the bureaucratic
side of things. SNU’s idiosyncratic recruitment system can be
confusing to those of us who are not used to it. Feel free to contact
me and if you’re interested in applying for these positions, and
please begin preparing your materials as soon as possible.
The application deadline is 19 October. Note that all application
materials need to be mailed and received by the admin office on or
before the deadline.
Javier Cha
Javier Cha
Assistant Professor
(area: East Asian Studies)
College of Liberal Studies
Seoul National University
조교수 (전공: 동아시아학)
서울대학교 자유전공학부