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The University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa–Assistant or Associate Professor of Modern Korean History

By 22nd October 2016September 4th, 2020Blackboard
The University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa invites applications for a full-time, tenure-track position as assistant or associate professor of modern Korean history. The appointment is to begin August 1, 2017, subject to availability of funds and position clearance.
Duties and Responsibilities
1. Teach lower-division survey courses, upper-division, and graduate-level courses in area(s) of specialization;
2. Advise undergraduate and graduate students;
3. Maintain an active agenda of scholarly research and publication;
4. Participate in service work;
5. Other duties as assigned by the department chair.
Minimum Qualifications
1. Ph.D. in history or closely related field in the humanities or social sciences with an emphasis on modern Korea. Degree must in hand by the date of appointment (August 1, 2017) and be granted by a university of recognized standing;
2. Research competence in Korean language and evidence of strong historical research capabilities.
Associate Professor Minimum Qualifications
1. Demonstrated university teaching experience;
2. Hold the rank of associate professor;
3. Evidence of scholarly achievement comparable to peers at research universities.
Desirable Qualifications
1. Demonstrated extensive teaching experience;
2. Research focus on transnational or comparative studies which situates Korea in a global context;
3. National and international scholarly engagement, particularly in Korea and the Pacific.
Salary commensurate with qualifications and experience.
Review of applications will begin December 1, 2016, and continue until the position is filled.
To Apply
Application materials should include a letter of application describing research interests, curriculum vitae, writing sample, official academic transcripts (copies are acceptable, but official transcripts will be required at the time of hire), and a sample syllabus from an undergraduate or graduate course in Korean history. In addition, arrange to have three letters of recommendation sent directly to the search committee.
Send paper copies of all materials (no electronic or e-mailed copies accepted) to Dr. Shana Brown (Chair), Korea Search Committee, University of Hawai‘i, Department of History, 2530 Dole Street, Honolulu, HI 96822-2383 USA.
For the official recruiting announcement, see
Direct inquires to Shana Brown at or telephone (808) 956-7151.
For more information about the UH Mānoa Department of History, see