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Article 1. The name of the Association shall be “The Association for Korean Studies in Europe” (AKSE).


Article 2. The Association is legally registered under the laws of France (law of 1 July 1901 and decree of 16 August 1901). The registered office of the Society shall be located at Université Paris Cité, UFR LCAO Case 7009, 5 rue Thomas Mann 75025 Paris Cedex 13, France. The Council shall have the power to change the registered office from one location to another. Its decision shall be ratified by a Membership Meeting.


Article 3. The Association shall be non-political and its objects shall be:

  • to stimulate and to co-ordinate academic Korean studies in all countries of Europe;
  • to contribute to the spread of knowledge of Korea among a wider public.

The objects of the Association shall be attained:

  • by organizing academic conferences on Korea;
  • by providing a platform for information on Korean Studies Institutes in Europe;
  • by encouraging, facilitating and conducting co-operation with other organizations having aims consistent with its own objects.


Article 4. The Association shall consist of Full Members in the categories of Ordinary Members and Honorary Members, and of Associate Members in the categories of Individual Associate Members and Corporate Associate Members.

Ordinary Membership is open to persons permanently resident in Europe, or employed by European academic institutions, with a serious academic interest in Korea. Honorary Members shall be elected by the Council in recognition of eminent contributions to the aims of the Association and shall not exceed ten in number. Individual Associate Membership is open to persons not permanently resident in Europe. Corporate Associate Members shall be organizations which desire to support the aims of the Association by payment of an annual fee to be determined by the Council. Applications and proposals for Membership are to be addressed to any member of the Council and decided upon by the Council of the Association.

Article 5. Members shall pay an annual fee to be determined by the Council.

Members may be exempted partially or totally from payment of the fee upon decision of the Council. The due date for payment of the fee shall be determined by the Council.

Article 6. Membership shall expire:

  • when a Member resigns from the Association by notifying the Treasurer in writing;
  • when the Membership fee has not been paid after second notice;
  • when a Member is expelled from the Association by the Council for having acted in a manner detrimental to the interests or the good name of the Association.

Expulsion shall require the consent of not less than five members of the Council. Before a decision on expulsion is taken, the President of the Association will write to the Member in question, stating the nature of the alleged offence, together with the name(s) of the informant(s) or source(s) of information, and allowing a reasonable time for an explanation.

Article 7. Annual Membership Meetings will be held during academic conferences or when called by the Council.

The Council shall call an Extraordinary Membership Meeting upon the request of one-third of the Full Members of the Association. Notice of any business to be transacted at a Membership Meeting shall be given in writing to the President, who shall prepare the agenda of the meeting.

One-third of the Full Members of the Association shall form a quorum for any Membership Meeting, and only Full Members shall have voting rights at any Membership Meeting.


Article 8. The Council is entrusted by the membership with managing and directing the affairs of the Association. For important matters affecting the structure, the organisation, and the constitution of the Association, the Council shall seek for approval of the majority of Members.

Article 9. The Council of the Association shall consist of:

  • a President;
  • a Vice-President;
  • a Secretary;
  • a Treasurer, also responsible for Membership Affair;
  • a Councillor for Public Relations;
  • three Councillors for Special Duties.

The members of the Council must be Full Members of the Association, and shall be elected at Membership Meetings. Members of the Council shall be expected to serve normally for a period of four years.

If a motion of no confidence in any Member of the Council is supported by five Members of the Council, that Member shall be dismissed from the Council and from any office which he or she holds in the Association.

Notice of any business to be transacted at a Membership Meeting shall be given in writing to the President, who shall prepare the agenda of the meeting.

Vacancies on the Council arising between Membership Meetings shall be filled by co-option or by transfer of duties within the Council. Members shall be notified of any such changes.

Five members of the Council shall form a quorum for Council meetings. The Treasurer is to render audited annual accounts of the finances of the Association.


Article 10. This Constitution can be amended at Membership Meetings.

Amendments shall be notified to all Members at least six months before the Membership Meeting. An amendment shall require not less than two-thirds of the votes of Full Members present at a properly constituted Membership Meeting.


Article 11. Only the Membership Meeting shall have the power to dissolve the Association. The dissolution shall require the approval of two thirds of the members present. In case of dissolution, the Membership Meeting shall appoint one or more officers to take charge of the disposal of assets. Their powers shall be determined by the Membership Meeting. The members of the Association shall not receive any portion of the assets. The net assets shall be transferred to one or more institutions that pursue similar aims. The Membership Meeting shall establish a list of the institution(s) to which the assets will be transferred.


Article 12. These Statutes shall be governed by, and interpreted in accordance with, French law. The English and French texts of these Statutes are equally valid.