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30th AKSE Conference, 28-31 October 2021, La Rochelle (France) – Call for Papers

By 5th September 2020January 21st, 2021Blackboard, Conference

La Rochelle University will host the 30th biennial AKSE Conference from 28 (Thursday) to 31 (Sunday) October 2021 in La Rochelle, France. The Conference is co-organized by La Rochelle Université and Université de Paris with the AKSE Council.

The Association for Korean Studies in Europe, founded in 1977, is the main scholarly society for Korean studies in Europe. Its objectives are to stimulate and coordinate academic Korean studies in all countries of Europe, and to contribute to the spread of knowledge of Korea among a wider public.

The biennial AKSE conferences provide an opportunity for European scholars of Korean studies to gather and exchange research. Hosting the membership meeting, they are the most important event of the association. AKSE conferences are also a way for European scholars to communicate with the global academic community. We thus warmly welcome non-Europeans and non-members.

Conference time-table

  • Day 1 (Thursday) registration, opening ceremony, dinner
  • Day 2 and 3 (Friday and Saturday) full conference days
  • Day 4 (Sunday) half conference day: end of the public events after lunch

Key information for prospective participants

  • Submission of abstracts and panel proposals 1 September 2020 – 31 December 2020 (Extended Deadline) – Deadline for submissions has now passed. 
  • Notification of paper acceptance 20 April 2021
  • Registration 20 April 2021– 30 June 2021
  • Paper submission 20 April 2021 – 30 September 2021
  • Administrators and contact persons Evelyne Chérel-Riquier, Kim Jin-Ok, Marie-Orange Rivé
  • Conference website

Conference venues and hotel

The conference venue, including the opening ceremony, will be held at La Rochelle University. Accommodation will be provided in the vicinity of the university, in the old city center of La Rochelle.


Abstract submission will entail preliminary registration (not binding). Formal online registration for all active (presenting and chairing) and passive participants will open on 20 April 2021 and last until 30 June 2021.

For submitters

1) Subjects and general guidelines

  • Both individual abstracts and panel proposals can be submitted. Panel proposals will be treated preferentially. All paper proposals will receive a double-blind assessment. We strongly encourage panel diversity (institutional, national, disciplinary), and this will be an important criterion in the final selection process.
  • Subjects in all areas of Korean studies are welcome. During the abstract submission, submitters will have to choose a field for their presentation.
  • All abstracts should be in English while the official languages of the conference are: English, French, German, and Korean. You must specify the presentation language if it is different from English.
  • Abstracts/panel proposals will have to be submitted from 1 September 15 December 2020 online via the conference website.

2) Presentation guidelines

  • Each panel will last 105 minutes and typically consist of four presentations.
  • To allow plenty of time for discussion, each presentation should not exceed 15 minutes (60 minutes for presentations, 45 minutes for discussion).
  • In case of an organized panel, a fifth person may be invited as panel chair by the panel organizer. Alternatively, one of the four panelists can act as chair.
  • Normally panels do not include discussants. The panel chair can act as discussant if invited to do so.

3) Note on panel proposals

  • Panel proposals should include a concise title (e.g. “Korean Diaspora in US”), keywords (up to three), the number of panelists (five in the case of a non-presenting chair or four in the case of a presenting chair), and a panel abstract of about 500 words (or 3,295 characters).
  • In addition, each panelist should prepare an abstract of about 500 words (or 3,295 characters), including the paper title and keywords.

4) Note on individual papers

  • Individual presenters should prepare an abstract of about 500 words (or 3,295 characters), including the title and keywords (up to three).

Conference fees

1) Conference fees listed below include:

  • accommodation and breakfast
  • conference attendance
  • opening and closing ceremonies with dinner
  • coffee breaks and lunch on each conference day
  • conference materials

2) Not included:

  • travel to and from La Rochelle
  • AKSE membership fees (these will be separately collected by the AKSE treasurer, more information is available on the AKSE website).

3) Categories and rates

Based on current pricing information and subsidy expectations, we expect to be able to offer the following rates for participants:

  • non-member not presenting 450 EUR
  • non-member active (presenting or chairing) participant 380 EUR
  • AKSE member passive participant (not presenting) 380 EUR
  • AKSE member active participant 300 EUR
  • student not presenting 180 EUR
  • student active participant 150 EUR
  • Participants (members or not) not presenting, not staying at hotel 200 EUR

Registration fees

At the time of your online registration, you will be asked to pay a non-refundable registration fee in the amount of 100 EUR through the conference management system. The registration fee for students is 50 EUR.

This online transfer registration fee will be used as a down payment for your conference fee. The remaining balance should be paid later online (by 30 September 2021). Details regarding this will be sent in due course.

Travel subsidies

Graduate students whose papers have been accepted are entitled to apply for a travel subsidy by writing to the AKSE president. The availability and actual amount of the grants depend on funding availability and will be decided by the AKSE Council.

Additional information on the website

Further information including accommodation surcharges, travel, etc., will be provided on the conference website.